Students with advanced academic ability or an exemplary academic record may qualify for the opportunities listed below. Students should note that a maximum of 30 semester hours of credit-by-examination may be recorded at the University.
College Level Examination Program
The University endorses the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). When the scores are received by the University Registrar, the scores are analyzed, and the student is informed of the credits earned. Additional information can be secured from the student’s high school counselor, the MVNU Test Center Coordinator, or the University Registrar.
Advanced Placement
Students who have participated in the Advanced Placement (AP) Program, sponsored by the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) while in high school, may receive college credit if they receive scores of 3, 4, or 5 (depends on exam). MVNU’s College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) code number is 1531.
Scores required for credit earned through CLEP and AP are listed in the Admissions section of the Catalog. The use of CLEP or AP examinations to meet departmental requirements (e.g., major or minor) are subject to the department chair’s written approval through a memorandum to the University Registrar.
International Baccalaureate
The University also accepts International Baccalaureate (IB) higher level (HL) examinations for credit on a case-by-case basis. Contact the University Registrar for information on required scores.
Independent Study
Projects in areas not covered by the University’s curriculum may be designed and conducted. The projects, whether conducted on or off campus, must be of an educational nature and of sufficient content to warrant credit. Each independent study proposal is developed by the student and a supervising faculty member. The independent study application is available from the University Registrar or the school dean. Approval of the completed application and learning plan developed in cooperation with the supervising faculty member must be secured from the supervising faculty member, student's advisor, department chair, and school dean prior to registration.
The applicant must have junior or senior standing.
A special fee of $50 per semester hour credit beyond tuition is assessed for an independent study.
Directed Study
Because of course scheduling difficulties, the student may request that a designated course be taken as a directed study. The directed study application is available from the University Registrar or the school dean. Approval of the completed application and learning plan developed in cooperation with the supervising faculty member must be secured from the supervising faculty member, student’s advisor, department chair, and school dean prior to registration.
The applicant must have sophomore standing or above.
If the directed study is necessitated by student choice or request, a special fee of $50 per semester hour credit beyond tuition is assessed. If the directed study is necessitated by University action, the fee will be waived.