Additional Refund Information
- Housing deposits: When a student moves off campus or does not return to the University, a written request must be made by May 31 of the enrollment year for a housing deposit to be released. E-mail requests are preferred and should be sent to When released, the deposit is automatically applied to any outstanding balance. If all accounts are paid, the deposit is refunded.
- Rooms are rented for the entire semester and as such cannot be re-assigned during a semester. Room charges are refunded as follows:
- Meal Plan: Meal Plan refunds are prorated on the basis of the number of feeding days remaining in the term from the end of the week in which the student moves off campus.
- Spring travel: Because of commitments for transportation, rooms, etc. made prior to the trip, refunds are not allowed on spring travel expenses after the last date announced by the professor for cancellation or January 10, whichever comes first.
Refunds are subject to timely completion of appropriate petitions (e.g., schedule change form, off-campus housing petition) by students in harmony with published deadlines.