Nursing Department
Karla R. Adu, RN, MS, CNP
Carol Dorough, RN, MSN, EdD
Debra Garee, RN, MSN
Judy Gregg, RN, DNP, MS
Billie J. Maglott, RN, MSN
Teresa Phillips, RN, EdD, MSN, CCRN, RCIS
Esther J. Rudolph, RN, MSN
Program Objectives
The courses and curriculum of the nursing program are designed to achieve the following student outcomes. Graduates from the program will:
- apply biblical principles to professional nursing practice;
- provide holistic nursing care based on evidence gained through empirical testing, and personal, ethical, and aesthetic knowledge;
- analyze subjective and objective data for scientific merit;
- demonstrate academic responsibility in current curriculum;
- view each person as created in the image of God, and therefore, worthy of respect and dignity;
- recognize the influence of the environment on the health of individuals and communities;
- convey a Christian worldview of health as the ability to function in harmony with God, self, others and the environment;
- deliver nursing care aimed at assisting persons and communities in their response to actual and potential health problems;
- provide compassionate care for the whole person with the aim of promoting the healthcare team through verbal, nonverbal, and written communication; and
- affirm spiritual care as primary to the health of individuals and society.