Discrimination, Harassment and Violence

In keeping with its religious heritage, ethical convictions, and legislation, the University values a teaching, learning, and working environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, and violence. This includes Title IX, viewable at:


Discrimination: Discrimination is based on inequitable treatment of individuals. The University prohibits discrimination of its employees or students that is related to the individual’s race, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or military service. Title IX covers sexual discrimination at the link above.

Harassment: Harassment includes, but is not limited to, any conduct that a recipient feels is offensive, unwelcome, demeaning, rude, or threatening. This conduct can:

  • take the form of slurs, jokes, bullying, cyber bullying, or stalking;
  • be verbal, graphic, or physical;
  • be directed at employees or students;
  • occur in peer-to-peer or hierarchical relationships; and/or
  • be perpetrated by employees, students or non-employees.

Violence: The University prohibits violence of any sort against any of its members. 

When discrimination, harassment, or violence is reported, the University will take prompt and remedial action. Violation of this policy by any of its members shall subject the individual to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. Any student who wishes to submit a non-Title IX claim that involves discrimination, harassment, and/or violence will follow the procedures in the Academic Policy Decision Appeals policy that appears elsewhere in the Catalog.