Greetings from the President

Greetings and welcome to Mount Vernon Nazarene University. Today you embark on a journey that will provide life-changing adventures. You will experience

  • Academic achievement
  • Life-long friendships
  • Personal growth and
  • Exposure to a Christian worldview

At the beginning, this journey may seem daunting and the destination far away, but you will soon discover that time passes quickly. Make the most of every opportunity. Study hard. Have fun. Make memories.

The motto of Mount Vernon Nazarene University, established by the first president, is, "To seek to learn is to seek to serve." There is a strong connection between learning and serving at MVNU, reinforced in the classroom, in chapel, and through ministries provided by campus organizations. The education experience helps train students for careers and for using the career as an avenue to serve others. This attitude follows the model of Jesus who, speaking of himself, declared, "...the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve..." (Matthew 20:28).

I encourage you to embrace the words of the psalmist who prayed,

 Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth! Grant me purity of heart so that I may honor you. (Psalm 86:11, NLT)

God bless you!



David P. Wilson, D.Min.

MVNU Transition Leader