Grading Information

The only letter grades that an instructor may issue to a GPS student include: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, and F.

As outlined in the policies above, an "X" (non-passing) grade will only be issued as a result of the student’s failure to meet the specified attendance requirements. Due to VA regulations, a grade of "I" will not be issued to students receiving Veterans’ Administration benefits.

Because many GPS students are reimbursed on a course-by-course basis, a grade report will be issued by the Registrar’s Office, upon request, within two (2) weeks of the completion of each course.


The University utilizes the following letter grade system.

A 4.0 grade points per credit hour: A superior grade earned by work consistently exceeding high standards as judged by both internal and external criteria.
A- 3.7 grade points per credit hour.
B+ 3.3 grade points per credit hour.
B 3.0 grade points per credit hour: A good grade signifies accomplishment which is above average in quantity and quality.
B- 2.7 grade points per credit hour.
C+ 2.3 grade points per credit hour.
C 2.0 grade points per credit hour: A satisfactory grade characterizes the performance of most studies as judged by both internal and external standards.
C- 1.7 grade points per credit hour.
D+ 1.3 grade points per credit hour.
D 1.0 grade point per credit hour: A passing grade represents sufficient accomplishment to pass the course, but does not meet the average standard.
F 0.0 grade points per credit hour: Failure to pass the course; no credit is earned. Instructor must report the number of documented class absences and last date of attendance via web grading.
X 0.0 grade points per credit hour: A failure earned because the student was administratively withdrawn for non-attendance, or the student was administratively dismissed for an integrity violation; no credit earned (except for SA/UN grade scheme where X is not computed).
EM Not computed: Credit by examination.
S Not computed: Satisfactory work has met prescribed standards for the course.
U Not computed: Unsatisfactory work has not met prescribed standards for the course.
W Not computed: Withdrawal within the specified date, or after the specified date with Academic Affairs Office permission.
I Not computed: Incomplete work necessitated by a case of serious illness or other emergency. The student and instructor must request and receive written permission for the incomplete grade.


The number of grade points earned in a course is obtained by multiplying the number of semester hours for the course by the number of grade points per credit hour for the grade received in the course. The cumulative GPA is computed by dividing the total number of grade points received by the total number of semester hours in courses in which grades have been received.

Note: For additional information about grades that are earned in courses that are taken elsewhere and transferred back to MVNU, see the Transfer Student Admission Procedures section of this Catalog.


When necessary, the instructor may administer a grade of incomplete (I). As a final grade, an incomplete grade (I) may be administered only if permission is granted by the appropriate GPS Program Coordinator. To accomplish this, the student and the instructor must submit a written request for an incomplete grade (I) prior to the final instructional week for that particular course to the Program Coordinator. If permission is granted, the final grade must be submitted to the Assistant University Registrar for GPS within thirty (30) calendar days of the last date of the course. If not, the final grade will automatically be changed to F and the student will not receive credit for the course. Alternatively, when permission for an "I" grade is given, the instructor may, at his/her option, specify a final grade other than "F" that the student should receive if the completion deadline is not met.

The student and Program Coordinator may petition in writing for extended time to the Dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies. If the petition is granted, the deadline for the final grade submission will be set and communicated in writing to the student, instructor, Program Coordinator, and Assistant University Registrar for GPS. MVNU email is an approved means for all communication.

Note: A grade of Incomplete (I) may not be appropriate for certain courses, particularly those for which student attendance is necessary. Examples include (but are not limited to) internships, clinicals, directed studies, and independent studies. Whether the course is suitable for a grade of Incomplete (I) is solely within the instructor's discretion. If the instructor decides that the course is not suitable, then the Withdrawal policy will be in effect.


  1. When a student has a question about a course grade, s/he must first seek resolution with the course instructor.
  2. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached, the student may request that the matter be reviewed by the appropriate GPS Program Coordinator, no later than thirty (30) days from the issuance of the grade. To accomplish this, the student must submit an appeal, along with all required supporting documentation, including a course syllabus (or equivalent) and the assignments in question. The GPS Program Coordinator reserves the right to question any individual and/or obtain additional information from any other source. If the student files the request outside the 30-day period, s/he forfeits any further right to appeal. The Program Coordinator's review is limited to whether the student was treated fairly and stated protocols were followed. The Program Coordinator will either uphold the appeal or deny the appeal. If the appeal is upheld, the Program Coordinator may impose conditions. The Program Coordinator will notify the student of the decision in writing within ten (10) business days of receipt of the appeal.
  3. If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the GPS Program Coordinator, s/he may request that the matter be reviewed by the Dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies. To accomplish this, the student must inform the Program Coordinator (in person or via e-mail) within ten (10) business days of the Program Coordinator’s decision. If the student files the request outside this period, s/he forfeits any right to proceed. The Program Coordinator will send the appeal file to the Dean; thus, the student may not include additional information. The Dean reserves the right to question any individual and/or obtain additional information from any other source. The Dean’s review is limited to whether the student was treated fairly and stated protocols were followed. The Dean will either uphold the appeal or deny the appeal. If the appeal is upheld, the Dean may impose conditions. The Dean will notify the student of the decision in writing within ten (10) business days of receipt of the appeal.
  4. If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the Dean, s/he may request that the matter be reviewed by the Chief Academic Office (CAO). To accomplish this, the student must inform the Dean (in person or via e-mail) within ten (10) business days of the Dean’s decision. If the student files the request outside this period, s/he forfeits any right to proceed. The Dean will send the appeal file to the CAO (or designee); thus, the student may not include additional information. The review will be limited to whether the student was treated fairly and that stated protocols were followed. The appeal will either be upheld or denied. If the appeal is upheld, conditions may be imposed. The student will be notified of the decision in writing within ten (10) business days. The decision is final and non-appealable.

At no point in the process is legal counsel or representation permitted.