Teacher Education at MVNU


The Teacher Education Program at MVNU provides research-based undergraduate education and graduate education, forming partnerships with local schools and districts, and collaborating with these educational systems. The program provides opportunities for candidates to learn about and to work with diverse populations.

The mission of the Teacher Education Program of MVNU is to prepare—in a Christian context—competent educators who are compassionate servant leaders committed to life-long learning and professional competence in diverse educational settings. The aim and commitment is to provide the highest quality education based on the principles of God’s Word and to educate the whole person as God created us, thus strengthening the mind, body, and soul. To this end, we offer a variety of rigorous academic programs that blend research findings with exemplary practice. Programs are designed to prepare undergraduate and graduate candidates for careers in teaching students in pre-school through grade twelve.


Compassion: MVNU candidates are compassionate toward the students they serve. They respect the individuality of the students they teach, building an environment of trust. Candidates advocate for social justice and equity to participate in transforming communities consistent with a Christian Worldview.

Competence: Competence is the process of developing teachers as whole persons with the knowledge, skills and dispositions that help them meet the needs of each learner. Candidates are reflective, utilizing interpersonal abilities while responding with flexibility and professional judgment to diverse experiences and the needs of all learners. Candidates use technology to support the teaching and learning process.

Commitment: MVNU candidates are committed to actively search for opportunities so all students experience success in the classroom. Candidates are reflective regarding the role they play in their students' learning. Candidates are committed to professional development, leadership and life-long learning.


In 1996, with the implementation of new state standards, Ohio became a partner state with the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). This partnership required that all units preparing teachers in the state of Ohio meet NCATE unit standards and that all teacher education programs meet the guidelines of their specialized professional association (SPA).

Beginning in 2003, programs were required to become members of the NCATE organization by going through the complete application and on-site visit review. In 2007, the option of meeting the national accreditation requirement through either NCATE or the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) was added. NCATE and TEAC then merged in September 2014 to form the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

In the future, MVNU will have CAEP accreditation. All CAEP programs can be assumed to meet the requirements of their SPA (e.g. all early childhood education programs must meet the standards of the National Association of Early and Young Children, all integrated language arts education programs must meet the standards of the National Council of Teachers of English, etc.). The MVNU Teacher Education Unit received NCATE accreditation in 2008 and then recertification in March 2015.

The preparation of teachers is one of the major programs at Mount Vernon Nazarene University. The Teacher Education Unit has a strong history of providing quality programs, integrating university instruction that is grounded in theory and research with application and practice in both P-12 classrooms and college laboratory settings.


The philosophy of the Teacher Education Unit, which includes both the Jetter School of Professional Studies and the Teacher Education Program at MVNU, greatly influences the mission, vision, and goals of the institution. The stated philosophy and belief system of the Teacher Education Program at MVNU is that God has shown us truth through scripture, nature, history, and his son, Jesus Christ. Persons are spiritual, rational, moral, social, and physical beings created in the image of God. They are, therefore, able to know and to value themselves and other persons, the universe, and God. Education is the process of teaching and learning, and involves the whole person. This process occurs most effectively when both instructor and student are properly related to God and each other through Christ.


Our goals lead to our outcomes. MVNU produces teachers who are called to teach with compassion, competence, and commitment. We endeavor to teach our candidates to be compassionate toward all people, to become competent teachers, and to be committed to the profession. We intend for our candidates to graduate with licensure or an advanced degree, and with the ability to demonstrate their skills, knowledge, and dispositions.

Goal #1: One goal at MVNU is for candidates to take the calling of compassion seriously by building rapport with their students and developing skills of justice, fairness, and consistency. We want candidates to respect and affirm all students and to reach out to the community in service to humanity.

Outcomes of Goal #1:

  1. Candidates demonstrate a desire to build rapport with their students by showing concern and interest.
  2. Candidates build an environment of fairness, trust, and positive interaction among all classroom members.
  3. Candidates advocate social justice and equity in the community to promote affirmation and response for all individuals.
  4. Candidates transform communities consistent with a Christian worldview through service to humanity.

Goal #2: A second goal at MVNU is for candidates to become competent. It is our aim for candidates from MVNU to demonstrate competency and skill in learning about their students and use that information to design appropriate learning goals for each student in their classroom. Lesson plans should reflect objectives, activities, methods, materials, and assessments that promote learning connections. It is our desire for candidates at MVNU to demonstrate knowledge of content. We plan opportunities for candidates to reflect on their current teaching skills to improve instructional techniques and to develop a variety of teaching methods, including the use of technology in the classroom. We desire to help candidates develop effective communication skills.

Outcomes of Goal #2:

  1. Candidates conduct research about students and the learning process. They reflect on this information to create learning experiences adapted to diverse learners.
  2. Candidates create an environment that is safe and organized, and that accommodates all students, including those with special needs.
  3. Candidates design appropriate, standard-based learning goals and effectively communicate them to students.
  4. Candidates demonstrate competency in the content areas.
  5. Candidates demonstrate the ability to assess student learning using formal and information assessment strategies to evaluate and insure the continuous intellectual, social, physical, and moral/spiritual development of all learners.
  6. Candidates demonstrate the use of diverse teaching methods to insure the success of all students.
  7. Candidates use technology to support teaching and learning.
  8. Candidates demonstrate effective written and oral communication skills including questioning strategies.

Goal #3: A third goal at MVNU is to produce teachers who are committed to providing quality instruction to their students and to develop their professional responsibilities. Candidates have the opportunity to attend seminars, workshops, and be well read in their field. Candidates are encouraged to take advantage of opportunities to present at professional meetings, take part in campus organizations, and participate in a wide range of diverse community service experiences. They are encouraged to join professional organizations and demonstrate professional growth and development. As a result, candidates deepen their understanding of the education profession and the issues facing educators. We want candidates to be committed to building professional relationships with parents and colleagues.

Outcomes of Goal #3:

  1. Candidates demonstrate efficacy by actively searching for practical actions to address specific needs of all students.
  2. Candidates are reflective regarding the impact that their teaching has upon their students.
  3. Candidates lead in their profession by involvement in professional organizations, publications, presentations, and school/community leadership.
  4. Candidates build relationships with students, parents, colleagues, and other community stakeholders.

Summary: Our expected goals and outcomes are congruent with the Interstate New Teacher and Support Consortium (INTASC) Principles, the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession (OSTP), and the MVNU Conceptual Framework for the Teacher Education Unit.