Social Work, B.S.W.

Social Work Department Chair and Program Coordinator: Rachel Young, Ph.D., MSW, LISW-S

Social Work Program Director: Rachel Young, Ph.D., MSW, LISW-S

Field Education Director: MacKrea Larue, MSW, LISW-S


Social work is a dynamic profession with a dual focus of empowerment and social change within individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities, and society as a whole. The profession is grounded in ethical principles as well as the six core values of service, competence, integrity, importance of human relationships, social justice, and dignity and worth of the person. A Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree—the minimum educational requirement for the social work profession—provides a professional foundation in generalist social work practice that prepares students for social work licensure, graduate education, and entry-level social work practice in a variety of both public and private settings. Designed for adult learners, this program features high-quality curriculum taught by instructors with professional social work practice experience, a cohort-based learning model that fosters mutual support and provides ongoing networking resources, courses guided by a Christian worldview, and accreditation by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).


  1. Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior.
  2. Engage diversity and difference in practice.
  3. Advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.
  4. Engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice.
  5. Engage in policy practice.
  6. Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
  7. Assess individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
  8. Intervene with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
  9. Evaluate practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.


Admission criteria to MVNU with the intent of completing the Bachelor of Social Work program include:

  • completion of an associate degree in Human Services or completion of at least 56 transferable credit hours from a regionally-accredited institution(s) of higher learning with a grade of "C-" or better for each course;
  • an overall GPA of 2.00 or higher (on a 4.00 scale) for all previous college or university coursework completed to date (an applicant with a GPA less than 2.00 may apply for probationary admittance);
  • submission of official transcripts of all previous college or university courses completed to date;
  • successful completion (minimum final grade of "C-") of required cognates, including BIOL1024 (Human Biology with Laboratory), PSYC1013 (General Psychology), PSYC3063 (Abnormal Psychology), and SOCL1013 (Introduction to Sociology);
  • successful completion (minimum final grade of "C") of foundation courses in social work, including SWKR1013 (Introduction to Social Work), SWKR1023 (Social Work Field Observation), SWKR2003 (Cultural and Human Diversity), and SWKR2013 (Social Work Interviewing and Documentation);
  • successful completion of SWKR3093 (Foundations of Generalist Social Work Practice) and receipt of positive recommendation of Social Work instructing faculty after review of professional preparedness assignment in Week 6 of the course (click here to view Professional Preparation Plan Grading Rubric);
  • for transfer students with successful equivalency of SWKR3093 (Foundations of Generalist Social Work Practice), receipt of positive recommendation of Social Work instructing faculty after review of professional preparedness assignment in Week 6 of the course (click here to view Professional Preparation Plan Grading Rubric);
  • status of "student in good standing" from previous college or university;
  • demonstration of behavior congruent with accepted social work practice, including (but not limited to) valuing diversity, cultural humility, good oral and written communication skills, and adherence to the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics and State of Ohio Standards of Ethical Behavior and Professional Conduct;
  • completion of an online application and Registration Agreement Form.

The Assistant University Registrar for Graduate and Professional Studies, in consultation with members of the Social Work Department, will review each admissions application and decide on one of the following four options:

  • Unconditional Acceptance: The applicant has met all admissions criteria and will be notified in writing of unconditional admission by the GPS Social Work Program Coordinator.
  • Conditional Acceptance: The applicant will be notified in writing by the GPS Social Work Program Coordinator of specific areas that need improvement, correction, or completion. Students admitted conditionally may continue to take courses in the program sequence, but must correct the specified deficiencies prior to the start of SWKR3013 (Social Work Practice with Individuals). Students are responsible for meeting all specified conditions. Science cognate requirement prior to SWKR3013 can be modified with approval from the Program Coordinator.
  • Provisional Acceptance: The applicant will be notified in writing by the GPS Social Work Program Coordinator of specific conditions that must be met before admission will be reconsidered. Students will not be allowed to continue to take courses in the program sequence. Students are responsible for correcting all specified conditions and reporting to the GPS Social Work Program Coordinator for reconsideration of admission.
  • Denial of Admission: The applicant will be notified in writing by the GPS Social Work Program Coordinator of specific reasons why he/she has been denied admission into the Social Work program.
  • In the event that a student is denied admission, admitted with conditions, or provisionally admitted, the Social Work Department will provide the student with a written explanation for the decision and (if applicable) an explanation of the conditions that must be met for admission. The student may appeal the decision of the Social Work Department, but must do so according to the procedures outlined in the "Academic Policy Decision Appeals" portion of the Academic Standing (School of Graduate and Professional Studies) section of this Catalog.

Admission to the Social Work program does not guarantee admission to the practicum experience or completion of the program for graduation.

Applicants from foreign countries and U.S. territories must also provide recent evidence of proficiency in English by: 1) scoring 80 or above on the Internet-based TOEFL with subscores in writing, reading, speaking and listening of at least 20; 2) scoring 550 or above on the written TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) with subscores in writing and reading of at least 50; or 3) scoring 6.0 or above on the IELTS (International English Language Testing System). All tests of English proficiency must have been taken in the last two years to be considered for acceptance.


Applicants with certain misdemeanor charges or convictions (assault, domestic violence, etc.) are advised that: 1) field placements cannot be guaranteed, and 2) there may be barriers to licensure in Social Work. Social Work applicants should disclose any such charges or convictions.

When an individual with a felony record applies for acceptance, the following procedure will be implemented:

The applicant will write an essay of petition to the Dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies, including:

  • If probation is ongoing, the applicant must supply a certified copy of the sentencing entry of court from each court where convicted.
  1. the incident, the date of the crime, what kind of crime was committed, and where (county and state) the crime was committed;
  2. whether or not the applicant is on probation and, if so, the name, address, and phone number of the probation officer(s);
  3. a summary of what the applicant believes has changed in his/her life since the conviction and how a degree will help accomplish any personal goals.
  • After receipt of the above documents, an interview with the Dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies and appropriate GPS Program Coordinator may be required. If so, the Dean and Program Coordinator will confer with the Chief Academic Officer (CAO) for the final decision.

When an individual has been convicted of a violent crime (e.g. sexual offense, assault and battery, murder, etc.) the above procedures will be followed, along with these additional procedures:

  • The applicant will be scheduled for a mandatory interview with the Dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies and appropriate GPS Program Coordinator.
  • If probation is ongoing, the applicant must be recommended in writing by the probation officer responsible for the applicant's case.
  • In consultation with the program leadership, the Dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies will meet with the CAO and legal counsel to review all information and documentation.
  • All information and documentation, including any recommendation by legal counsel, will be considered in the admission decision.


Life Experience Policy: The Social Work Program grants no academic credit, either in part or whole for life experience, volunteer experience, and/or current or previous work experience. This policy applies to all academic social work credits, including required cognates (pre-social work fundamentals) and professional foundations courses, field observations, and field practica.

Graduation Requirements: Students must complete a minimum of 120 semester hours of college course work, or its equivalent, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 (on a 4.00 scale).


Once admitted, a student will continue to be evaluated for continuation in the program. BSW students maintain good standing in the social work program by following each of these minimum standards:

  • maintain at least a cumulative GPA of 2.00 on all course work attempted at the University;
  • earn no grade below "C" in required social work courses;
  • earn no grade below "C-" in required cognate courses;
  • demonstrate ethical behavior in the classroom, field experience, and University community life;
  • maintain status as a "student in good standing" with the University;
  • adhere to field experience policies and procedures; and
  • adhere to social work program policies and procedures.

Probation, suspension, or termination from the Social Work Program for academic reasons is consistent with academic policies and standards established by the University. Probation, suspension or termination for professional concerns focuses on appropriate conduct and behavior in accordance with the principles of the social work profession.

Academic reasons for probation, suspension or termination from the Social Work Program include, but are not limited to:

  • failure to maintain at least a cumulative GPA of 2.00 on all course work attempted at the University;
  • earning a grade below "C" in required social work courses;
  • earning a grade below "C-" in required cognate courses; and
  • violations of academic integrity.

The Social Work Program aligns with University processes in addressing academic concerns.

  • Field Experience Accommodations: Reasonable accommodations will be considered on a case-by-case basis for individuals who meet eligibility under applicable statutes. Any person expecting to need accommodations should request them prior to beginning the program, as some accommodations may not be considered reasonable and may impact an applicant's ability to complete all components of the program. Policies and procedures for accessing accessibility services are provided in the General Provisions section of this Catalog.
  • Grade Appeal Process: Any GPS Social Work student who wishes to submit a grade appeal must do so according to the procedures outlined in the "Academic Policy Decision Appeals" portion of the Academic Standing (School of Graduate and Professional Studies) section of this Catalog.
  • Academic Integrity: Policies and procedures for addressing issues of academic integrity can be viewed here.

Professional concerns focus on the appropriate conduct and behavior in accordance with the principles of the social work profession. The Social Work Program follows the State of Ohio Standards of Ethical Practice and Professional Conduct and The National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics that applies to students in social work educational programs. Violations may result in probation, suspension or termination from the program. Social work students receive written copies of the ethical practice standards and instruction as to the meaning, value, and application of the standards.

If a student is struggling with ethical, non-academic development and/or behavior that impedes professional performance, the following procedures are intended to provide due process so that student evaluations (and faculty decisions regarding students) balance the professional gate-keeping responsibility and the program faculty’s commitment to student development.

Students may be placed on probation, suspended, or terminated from the social work program for any one or more violations of program policies and standards, including:

  • excessive field education absences;
  • legal disqualifications;
  • unethical conduct;
  • professional impairment;
  • lack of reliability and dependability;
  • misrepresentation;
  • participation in derogatory and/or disrespectful behavior;
  • participation in discriminatory behavior.

The Faculty endeavors to assist students—either Builder (Provisional and/or Probational Acceptance) or Program (Full or Conditional Acceptance)—in resolving issues that may interfere with professional growth and development before the situation escalates into concerns serious enough to warrant termination procedures. The Yellow Flag Alert system is designed to identify and strategize with students to correct behavior that would be egregious in the professional work place and classroom learning environment. Broad categories include professional behavior (e.g. attendance, punctuality, issues of impairment), professional dispositions (e.g., disrespectful interactions, lack of cultural responsiveness), and academic dispositions.

First Alert: The first alert is intended to draw attention to a concern as a teaching moment in their professional development. The person who completes the alert must communicate with the student via email, telephone, or face-to-face conversation AND send/give a copy to the student. Face-to-face is the preferred method of communication but if that is not possible, then a telephone or email conversation may suffice.

Second Alert: If the student receives a second alert regarding the same issue or multiple alerts from different categories the social work department will communicate with the student and require a written response to the issue that includes an action plan for remediation of the issue. The action plan will receive follow-up by the social work department.

Third Alert: If the student receives a third alert for the same issue or multiple alerts from different categories, there will be a mandatory meeting with the social work department to determine the student’s continuation in the social work program.

Depending on the severity of the issue(s), the following may occur:

  • Probation: A student may be placed on probation for a specific period of time if it is determined that a student’s continuation in the program is in jeopardy unless changes are made. The student will be informed in writing, within seven (7) days, of the probationary status. Upon receipt of the notice, the student will be required to develop, with the assistance of the GPS Social Work Program Coordinator, a plan of remediation which indicates when and how any deficiencies will be made up, and any other conditions required to remediate the situation. The written Plan of Remediation must be approved and signed by the GPS Social Work Program Coordinator within one (1) month of student being placed on probation. The GPS Social Work Program Coordinator will report to the Program Director on whether progress is being made in keeping with the Plan of Remediation. Failure to carry out the plan developed during the probationary period, according to the timeline specified in the plan, may result in suspension from the Social Work Program.
  • Suspension: Serious violation of the performance standards and/or actions taken by a student that places him/her and/or others in jeopardy may result in the immediate suspension of the student from the program while the issue is being resolved. A student who is being suspended will be verbally notified immediately and is not allowed to attend classes until the issue is resolved. In addition, the student will receive a letter from the Social Work Program Director within seven (7) days of the decision for suspension, stating the reason(s) for suspension, the terms of the suspension, and the steps to be taken. A copy of the letter will be given to the GPS Social Work Program Coordinator, and a copy will also be placed in the student’s file.
  • Termination: Though rare, termination may result from a single grave incident or from a pattern of behaviors/incidents. As reflected in the Yellow Flag Alert System every effort is made to identify issues and work with students to remediate concerns. However, in some cases, issues are not resolved or a student engages in a serious violation that places him/her and/or others in jeopardy. The student will receive a letter from the Social Work Program Director within seven (7) days of the decision for termination, stating the reason(s) for termination.
  • Appeal Process: The student may appeal a disciplinary action resulting from any of the above by accessing the "Academic Policy Decision Appeals" portion of the Academic Standing (School of Graduate and Professional Studies) section of this Catalog.


  1. Students desiring admission into the social work practicum experience must submit an application to the Social Work Field Education Director by the announced date.
  2. The criteria for admission to practicum include:

    • successful completion of each 3000-level social work course with a minimum grade of "C";
    • a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 (on a 4.00 scale) on all coursework attempted at the University;
    • maintain status as a "student in good standing" with the University;
    • demonstration of behavior congruent with accepted social work practice, including (but not limited to) valuing diversity, cultural humility, good oral and written communication skills, and adherence to the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics and State of Ohio Standards of Ethical Behavior and Professional Conduct;
    • removal of any conditions (with exception being an approved appeal to identified admission conditions) stipulated by the Social Work Department prior to, upon, or after admission to the Bachelor of Social Work Program.
  3. Students applying for admission to Practicum must complete an admissions interview and receive a positive recommendation by the field education unit as to the student's fitness and suitability for the practicum experience.
  4. The members of the Social Work Department will review each application and decide on one of the following four options:

    • Unconditional Admission to Practicum: The applicant has met all admissions criteria. The student will be notified in writing of unconditional admission by the Social Work Field Education Director.
    • Conditional Admission to Practicum: The applicant will be notified in writing by the Social Work Field Education Director of the specific areas that need improvement, correction, or completion. GPS students will be allowed to register and begin Practicum and Integrated Seminar, but admission could be revoked if a student fails to meet specified conditions. Students are responsible for meeting the specified conditions and reporting to the Social Work Field Education Director for reconsideration of conditional admission status.
    • Delayed Decision: The applicant will be notified in writing by the Social Work Field Education Director of specific conditions that must be met before admission will be reconsidered. Students will not be allowed to register or begin Social Work Practicum until deficiencies have been corrected and the student requests in writing that his/her application be re-considered by the Social Work Department. Students are responsible for correcting the specified conditions, and reporting to the Social Work Department for reconsideration of admission.
    • Denial of Admission: The applicant will be notified in writing by the Social Work Field Education Director of specific reasons why he/she has been denied admission into the Social Work Practicum experience. A student who has been denied admission may face termination from the Social Work program and/or denial to graduate with a major in Social Work.
    • In the event that a student is denied admission to the Social Work Practicum, has been admitted with conditions, or receives a delayed decision, the Social Work Department will provide the student with a written explanation for the decision and, if applicable, an explanation of the conditions that must be met for admission. Any GPS Social Work student who wishes to appeal the decision of the Social Work Department must do so according to the procedures outlined in the "Academic Policy Decision Appeals" portion of the Academic Standing (School of Graduate and Professional Studies) section of this Catalog.
  5. Retention in Social Work Practicum: Once admitted, a student will continue to be evaluated for continuation in the Social Work Practicum. Students must satisfy each of the following requirements in order to remain in good standing in the Social Work Practicum:

    • maintain a minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA (on a 4.00 scale);
    • adhere to field placement policies and procedures;
    • demonstrate ethical behavior in the classroom, field practicum, and in University community life;
    • adhere to Social Work program policies.

A social work student may be placed on probation, suspended, or terminated from the Social Work Practicum experience when—in the professional judgment of the Social Work Department members—the student is found deficient in academic performance, professional attributes, or performance in field education experiences; or is in violation of legal and/or ethical codes. Deficiencies that may lead to probation, suspension, or termination include (but are not limited to) the following: excessive field education absences, educational disqualifications, violations of academic integrity and University Standards of Conduct, legal disqualifications, unethical conduct, professional impairment, lack of reliability and dependability, misrepresentations, participations in derogatory and/or disrespectful behavior, and/or participation in discriminatory behavior.

Any GPS Social Work student who wishes to appeal the decision of the Social Work Department must do so according to the procedures outlined in the "Academic Policy Decision Appeals" portion of the Academic Standing (School of Graduate and Professional Studies) section of this Catalog.


Admission into the Social Work Program may be delayed for students who do not successfully complete designated liberal arts courses and/or required cognate and professional foundation courses with satisfactory grades.

The Social Work program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). The program strives to be responsive to ever-changing requirements and expectations, including those of state social work licensing boards, the social work profession itself, and CSWE.

The University cannot guarantee licensure or employment because it does not control applicable state legislation, the licensing examinations or requirements, or hiring practices of state and community social service agencies. Background checks are required prior to the issuance of licenses by appropriate licensing bodies.

Program Curriculum

ITDS-2061Student Success Strategies


MATH-2063Introduction to Statistics


SWKR-3003Social Science Research Methods


SWKR-3013Social Work Practice with Individuals


SWKR-3063Human Behavior and the Social Environment I


SWKR-3073Human Behavior and the Social Environment II


SWKR-3093Foundations of Generalist Social Work Practice


SWKR-3113Social Justice and Advocacy


SWKR-3123Social Work Practice with Groups


SWKR-3132Social Work Practice with Families


SWKR-3141Preparation for Field Education


SWKR-4002Integrated Social Work Seminar


SWKR-4010Social Work Practicum


SWKR-4013Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities


SWKR-4033Analysis of Social Policy


Total Credit Hours:46


The student must complete a minimum of 120 credit hours (with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00) including:

  1. Successful completion of the GPS General Education Core (39 hours):

    • 15 credit hours in Arts and Humanities (Minimum of 3 credit hours in an English composition course with a research writing component; minimum of 3 credit hours in Bible/Theology)
    • 15 credit hours in Natural and Social Sciences, and Mathematics (Minimum of 3 credit hours in Mathematics; minimum of 3 credit hours in Social Science; and minimum of 3 credit hours in Natural Science with laboratory)
    • 9 credit hours in Liberal Arts electives
  2. Completion of at least 30 credit hours of upper division course work (3000 level or higher);
  3. Successful completion of the 46-credit hour Bachelor of Social Work curriculum with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00. A student who receives a grade below "C" in any Social Work course will be required to repeat that course until a grade of "C" or better is earned. All repeated coursework to replace grades of D+, D, F, W, or X is at the student's expense.