Tuition Rates & Fees (School of GPS)
Tuition rates are per credit hour. All amounts listed below are effective as of July 1, 2023.
Associate of Arts in General Studies |
Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry 1 |
1000- and 2000-level courses |
$265 |
3000- and 4000-level courses |
$398 |
5000-level courses |
$498 |
Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education (P-5) |
1000- and 2000-level courses |
$265 |
3000- and 4000-level courses |
$398 |
Course Fees (total) |
$2,350 |
Bachelor of Arts in Emergency Management and Homeland Security |
$398 |
Bachelor of Arts in Leadership |
Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration |
Bachelor of Business Administration (several majors) |
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (International Executive Studies) 2 |
Course Fees (total) |
$1,800 |
Resource Fees (total) |
$600 |
Bachelor of Social Work |
1000- and 2000-level courses |
$265 |
3000- and 4000-level courses |
$350 |
Course Fees (total) |
$80 |
Program Fee (charged once) |
$200 |
Education Workshops |
General Education Courses |
Master of Arts in Education: Intervention Specialist (Initial License) |
Course Fees (total) |
$2,025 |
Master of Arts in Education: Intervention Specialist (Licensed Teachers) |
Course Fees (total) |
$700 |
Master of Arts in Education: Professional Educator's License |
Course Fees (total) |
$1,725 |
Master of Business Administration (several concentrations)
Master of Business Administration: Health Care Administration |
Master of Business Administration / Master of Ministry (dual degree) |
Master of Ministry 3 |
Master of Science in Management |
Master of Science in Management (International Executive Studies) 4 |
Course Fees (total) |
$1,000 |
Peregrine Assessment Fee (charged once) |
$375 |
Resource Fees (total) |
$400 |
Graduation Fee 5 |
$100 |
1 BACM students who are seeking ordination through their COTN districts and have enrolled in the COTN Ordination Concentration will receive a $400 scholarship for each of the 12 courses in the BACM core curriculum, as well as all 7 courses in the Ordination Concentration (includes course retakes).
2 International Executive Studies students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program receive a scholarship of $125/credit hour for the 120-credit hour program ($15,000 total).
3 Master of Ministry students enrolled in the Master of Ministry or Master of Ministry/Master of Business Administration (dual degree) program receive a $500 scholarship for each of the 10 courses in the Master of Ministry core curriculum (includes course retakes).
4 International Executive Studies students enrolled in the Master of Science in Management program receive a scholarship of $125/credit hour for the 30-credit hour program ($3,750 total).
5 Graduation Fee is charged to all GPS students, regardless of degree type, when the Registrar's Office receives a completed Intent to Graduate Form.