Student Behavior and Rights

As a Christian liberal arts university, MVNU is committed to moral and spiritual values. Where these values imply restrictions of conduct, they are in the interest of a richer experience of community life. Each member of the MVNU community is expected to behave honorably, considerately, and peacefully while enrolled at MVNU. The standards of behavior are those of the Church of the Nazarene, which is the sponsoring church and which provides substantial financial and moral support.

GPS students are expected to assume responsibility for unquestioned honesty and for choosing morally-enhancing forms of recreation, entertainment, and interpersonal relationships. GPS students are also encouraged to refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and other habituating drugs.

The Christian value system espoused by the School of Graduate and Professional Studies does not condone offensive pictures or literature, or other inappropriate materials; expressing lack of self-respect and respect for others in public display of affections, swearing and profane or obscene language; and all forms of gambling.

MVNU affirms the biblical teaching that sexual intimacies are to be shared as God’s gift within the context of a committed marriage relationship between a man and a woman, and to do otherwise is to distort the holiness and beauty that God intended. As members of a Christian community, we are admonished to avoid certain sexual activities held to be incompatible with God’s will for our sexual integrity, including, but not limited to, fornication, sexual promiscuity, adultery, homosexual acts, homosexual behavior, public expression and/or promotion of a homosexual lifestyle, and viewing/ participating in pornography.

Students who are admitted and who continue to be enrolled must give evidence of the ability to function in the total university environment, meeting financial, emotional, academic, and behavioral criteria. Inability to so function will call for review at various official levels for continuation of enrollment.

In the event of a behavioral offense, MVNU has various responses, including, but not limited to the following: withdrawal, suspension, dismissal, or expulsion. In each of these cases, the student is not permitted on any MVNU campus. 


It is important that students at MVNU understand the limits or parameters of their rights.

First, MVNU is a private church university. This indicates that MVNU students are in a different category than students at a public, state-supported university. Comparisons between both must take this into consideration.

Second, MVNU students are in a "contractual" relationship. As voluntary attendees, students agree to accept the responsibility to fulfill MVNU community rules, regulations, policies, and procedures.

Third, MVNU may dismiss a GPS student if it deems the student’s behavior to be incompatible with its standards. Students may be suspended, dismissed, expelled, or withdrawn on either academic and/or behavioral grounds.

Fourth, MVNU subscribes to federal regulations protecting student privacy. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. It is codified at 20 U.S.C. section 1232g. The United States Department of Education has issued regulations to implement the law.


In accord with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, each student has these privacy rights:

  • The right to inspect and review information contained in the student’s educational records.
  • The right to challenge the contents of the student’s educational records.
  • The right to a hearing if the outcome of the challenge is unsatisfactory.
  • The right to submit an explanatory statement for inclusion in the educational record if the outcome of the hearing is unsatisfactory.
  • The right to prevent disclosure, with certain exceptions, of personally identifiable information.

The University may release directory information without the student's consent unless the student requests that such information not be disclosed. With the exception of directory information, the University cannot release any information to third parties or non-University personnel (including academic information) about a student without an electronic waiver on file in the University Registrar’s Office. When waivers are filed, they pertain to all terms of enrollment at the university until the student rescinds the permission.

Students will need to complete the Information Release Form. In the Information Release Form the student will be able to select the type of information to be released and which individuals are permitted to have access to that released information. The federal law may be accessed at: The federal regulations may be accessed at: