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Traditional Courses
ABT - Applied Business Tech
ACC - Accounting
APM - Applied Music
ART - Art
BIB - Biblical Literature
BIO - Biology
BLA - Biblical Languages
BSS - Business Special Studies
CED - Christian Education
CHE - Chemistry
CHH - Church History
CJU - Criminal Justice
COM - Communication
CRW - Creative Writing
CSC - Computer Science
CSD - Communication Sciences & Disorders
CSS - Center for Student Success
ECO - Economics
EDU - Education
EGR - Engineering
EMH - Emergency Management and Homeland Security
ENG - English
ENS - Music Ensemble
ESS - Earth & Space Science
EXS - Exercise Science
FIN - Finance
GRD - Graphic Design
HIS - History
HON - Honors
HSC - Health Science
IBS - International Business
ICS - Intercultural Studies
ISP - Intervention Specialist
ITD - Interdisciplinary Studies
MAN - Management
MAT - Mathematics
MCE - Middle Childhood Education
MIN - Ministry
MKT - Marketing
MLA - Modern Languages
MMA - Music Methods & Applications
MSS - Music Special Studies
MTH - Music Theory & History
NUR - Nursing
PED - Physical Education
PHI - Philosophy
PHM - Public Health
PHY - Physics
POL - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
RSS - Religion Special Studies
SCI - Science
SOC - Sociology
SPA - Spanish
SPM - Sports Management
SWK - Social Work
THE - Theology
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Traditional Academic Catalog 2024-2025
Traditional Courses
> Narrative Courses
Narrative Courses
Accounting electives
Accounting internship or practicum
ACT Mathematics subscore of 25 or above, SAT math subscore of 620 or above, or an ALEKS PPL score of 76 or above.
Additional laboratory science
Admission to the Teacher Education program
Courses taken through the Africa Nazarene University Peace and Conflict Studies Program
All concentration courses
Any BIO, CHE, ESS or PHY course with a lab
Any BIO course with laboratory
Any CHE, PHY or ESS General Education course with laboratory
Any ESS course with Laboratory
Any course from the Crossing Cultures electives in the General Education Core
APM-1001 Piano Class I (second semester)*
Applied Music
Applied Music I and II
Applied Music I and II
Applied Music III and IV
Applied Music III and IV
Applied Music III and IV
Applied Music V and VI
Applied Music V and VI
Applied Music VII
Applied Music VII
Applied Music VII and VIII
Art Major
Biblical literature elective (Select from BIB courses numbered 3000 or above)
Biblical literature elective (Select from courses numbered 3000 or above, and must include an Old Testament and New Testament elective within the major and supporting area.)
Biblical Literature electives (select from courses numbered from 3000 or above)
Take 12 hours from CHE courses numbered 2000 or above
CHE courses numbered 3000 or above
7-8 hours from BIO courses numbered 3000 or above
8 hours from CHE courses numbered 3000 or above
11-12 hours from any BIO course not already required as part of the major
Business electives
Business electives
Business electives
Chemistry elective (4 hours selected from courses number 4000 or above)
Choose one Communication elective
Choose one Communication or Marketing elective
Choose three courses from Applied Business Technology or Management courses
Computer science electives
Advanced Studio Recording*
Audio Engineering*
Concert Production*
Faith, Music, and Culture*
Inside the Music Business*
Practicum; "Road Tour"*
Content teaching methods course for selected teaching concentration*
Course work/practicums taken in association with the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities American Studies Program in Washington, DC
Course work/practicums taken in association with the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities Middle East Studies Program in Cairo, Egypt
Course work/practicums taken in association with the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities Scholars' Semester in Oxford Program.
Criminal Justice Courses/Elective options as identified in the Criminal Justice major
Criminal Justice Major
Any CSC course numbered 3000 or above
Departmental application and approval
EMHS Courses/Elective options as identified in the EMHS major
Any EGR course numbered 3000 or above
English Minor
Faith and Artistic Development in Film*
Hollywood Production Workshop*
Independent Study*
Internship: Inside Hollywood*
Narrative Storytelling*
Professional Acting for the Camera*
Professional Screenwriting*
Graduate Business Specialization
Graduate Business Elective
Summer Reading Assignment
International Business electives (approval required)
Physical Education Internship
Management electives
Content Pedagogy Course
50 contact hour field practicum
Advanced Media Marketing
Music Business Survey
Strategic Management
Music electives
Biblical Hermeneutics
The Pastor as a Person
The Church in the Twenty-First Century
Contemporary Approaches to Preaching
Contemporary Theological Issues
Pass Trigonometry proficiency exam
Philosophy electives
Physical education electives
Additional Psychology Electives
6-7 hours of PSY courses not already required as part of the major
Additional Psychology Electives
Additional Psychology Electives
Psychology Electives
Psychology Minor
Seminar in Communication: Adobe Creative Cloud
Internship: Pre-Law
Internship: Publishing
English Major
English Minor
Graphic Design Minor
History Major (American Studies Concentration)
History Major (General Studies Concentration)
History Minor
Religion elective (selected from biblical languages or courses numbered 3000 or above in biblical literature, church history, or theology except for the THE-3003 Christian Beliefs and Convictions)
Select 4 or more hours from courses numbered 3000 and above
Select one of the following:
Select one upper division Bible Course numbered 3000 or above.
Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI)
Writing Proficiency Test (WPT)
Student Recital Laboratory
Three additional approved certifications or in place of each certification, two hours of course credit (CSC courses at level 2000 and above) may be substituted
Three approved certifications
Upper division American history
Upper division American history
Upper division American history
Upper Division Bible Class
Upper division communication elective
Additional upper division history
Upper division history
Additional upper division history
Upper division history electives
Upper division history electives
Upper division New Testament Course
Upper division non-American history
Upper division non-American history
Upper division non-Western history
Upper division Old Testament Course
Up one level
Traditional Courses