Criminal Justice
Program Coordinator, Christina A. Jones
Christina A. Jones, JD
Thaddeus D. Hicks, PhD
Criminal Justice Program Objectives
The courses and curriculum of the criminal justice program are designed to achieve the following student outcomes:
- Knowledge Base: Demonstrate knowledge of the historical, legal, social, cultural, economic, and political frameworks under which justice systems operate, and the fundamental causes of crime, methods of prevention, and responsibilities of all individuals involved in the apprehension, prosecution, punishment, correction, and reintegration of offenders.
- Inquiry and Critical Thinking: Evaluate and apply research methods to explore criminal justice questions and hypotheses.
- Ethical and Social Responsibility in a Diverse World: Develop ethical standards informed by the Christian faith to promote restorative justice for offenders, victims, criminal justice professionals, and communities.
- Communication: Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills in creating a cogent argument, presenting information, integrating criminal justice theories and concepts with the Christian faith.
- Professional Development: Apply criminal justice content and skills, exhibit meaningful self-reflection, cultivate self-regulation, and build teamwork skills that readies the student for post-baccalaureate education and employment success.