Health Sciences Minor
Required Courses
Take all of the following:
BIO-2034 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I with Laboratory | 4 |
BIO-4011 | Principles of Bioethics | 1 |
HSC-1012 | Professional Perspectives in Healthcare | 2 |
HSC-1013G | Nutrition and Wellness | 3 |
HSC-3013 | Healthcare Delivery | 3 |
HSC-4012 | Population Health | 2 |
HSC-4112 | Leadership and Management Issues in Healthcare | 2 |
HSC-4001 | Senior Seminar for Health Sciences | 1 |
Choose one of the following Business courses: (3)
Total 22 Hours
Note: Nursing majors who choose to minor in Health Sciences must take any cross-listed courses in the sequence shown on the BSN curriculum plan and complete the Nursing objectives for those courses.