Religious Life

For each member of the campus community, the University seeks the development of spiritual insights and values stemming from a commitment to Christ as Lord and Savior. The religious life, a personal matter practiced in community, is at the heart of the University program. Through chapel, classroom experiences, residence hall programming, service opportunities, small groups, and informal personal contacts, the University seeks to motivate each student to become a servant-leader.

Chapel programming is a vital element in a Christian university education. Members of the University community meet together for worship several times a week. Unless specifically exempted through petition, all students are required to obtain Spiritual Formation Credits, which are earned through chapel attendance, small group participation, joining a service group, and many other venues. We encourage students to engage in spiritual practices that are meaningful to them. Throughout the year there are times of special emphasis upon evangelism, missions, and Christian living. Students are expected to be faithful participants in local church services and in times of special spiritual emphasis.

Other spiritually formative activities occur in mission and ministry opportunities provided by clubs, organizations, and ministries on campus. Service to Mount Vernon, Knox County, the East Central Educational Region, and the world is a natural part of the learning experience at the University. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the mission opportunities offered throughout the year.

Freshman students, as well as any student enrolled in college as a traditional student for the first time, are automatically placed into Belong Groups, led by an upperclassman. These groups meet weekly to share testimonies, read Scripture, and pray for one another. Regular Belong Group participation provides an excellent opportunity to grow in Christ and develop significant relationships.