Standards of Conduct
An organized community that is stable requires a combination of individual freedom with a set of standards that coordinate the group activities. Standards of conduct for the MVNU community are based upon the laws of national, state, and local jurisdictions, and upon the ideals of Christian holiness as presented by the Church of the Nazarene.
The University expects each member of the community to live honorably, peaceably, and lawfully with fellow citizens. Each person has rights to speech, property, and protection.
The standards of conduct are derived from those established by the General Rules in the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene. A summary of general principles and practices follows:
The University expects Christian standards of morality to govern every personal relationship.
The University expects unquestioned honesty; cheating, gambling, and theft are not tolerated. Obscene actions, language, and literature are not a part of the University ideal.
More explicit policies related to academic integrity are listed in the Student Handbook available on the University’s website at:
The use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and illegal drugs is prohibited. An institutional Drug-Free Campus statement is available in the Student Handbook. Certain forms of entertainment, such as viewing of promiscuous, pornographic videos, movies, or computer-generated materials are contrary to the Nazarene tradition. In dress and physical appearance, the University seeks practices that are in keeping with Christian modesty, cleanliness, and neatness. Details of regulations regarding campus life can be found at:
The University standards should be considered carefully, for they describe the ideals of the campus community. Students who do not share commitments to similar values should weigh the effects of these standards upon their own comfort within such an atmosphere. These ideals are intended not as boundaries to struggle against, but as portals to a way of life that is liberating and healthy.