Academic Preparation

The University requires confirmation of high school graduation or equivalency (i.e., official high school transcript, GED, or prior official college transcript). The University recommends that students complete:

English 4 units
Fine or performing arts 1 unit
Laboratory sciences 3 units
Mathematics (Alg. I, Alg. II, Geometry, Other) 4 units
Social studies 3 units

Computer keyboard skills and computer word processing are strongly recommended. Students anticipating a major in science fields should take additional sciences and mathematics. Music students are encouraged to complete as much music as possible.

Each state has its own high school graduation requirements that must be completed for the awarding of a high school diploma. Ohio high school graduation requirements are 20 units, including:

English 4 units
Health 1/2 unit
Mathematics (Alg. I, Alg. II, Geometry, Other) 4 units
Physical education 1/2 unit 
Science 3 units
Social studies 3 units
Electives 5 units

MVNU also accepts students completing a home school curriculum or achieving graduation from high school through testing. For more information, contact the Admissions Office.