Dual Graduate Credit - Christian Ministry

Any undergraduate student who is currently enrolled in a baccalaureate degree from the School of Christian Ministry, and who is within the final twenty (20) credit hours needed to graduate, will be permitted to complete two (2) Master of Ministry graduate courses for MVNU dual credit, totaling no more than six (6) credit hours, based upon the following criteria:

  1. A student who has a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher will receive unconditional approval to complete graduate courses for dual credit.
  2. A student who had a cumulative GPA of 3.00-3.49 will be considered for approval pending review of a letter of recommendation from an undergraduate instructor. This letter should list each ministry/religion course(s) taught by the recommending instructor that the student has completed to date, the student's overall academic performance in those courses, and the instructor's view of the student's ability to successfully complete advanced coursework at the graduate level.
  3. A student with a GPA under 3.00 will not be approved to complete graduate courses for dual credit unless unforeseen or extreme, extenuating circumstances have had a significant, negative impact on the student's overall undergraduate academic performance. In this case, the student must submit a detailed letter to the Dean of the School of Christian Ministry that explains these negative effects in greater detail, and that also discussed how the student now intends to successfully complete coursework at the graduate level.