Spiritual Formation

As an intentionally Christian university, MVNU is committed to the spiritual formation of every member of the campus community. We understand faith to be a personal commitment to Jesus Christ, practiced in the context of community. Every facet of University life, from chapel to residence hall programming, small groups to classroom experiences, is designed the empower and equip students to become servant-leaders.

Chapel is at the heart of our Spiritual formation programming. The University community gathers together in the chapel multiple times each weeks for worship, prayer, and messages from Scripture. In addition to chapel, students are encouraged to explore other forms of Spiritual Formation such as participation in a small group, attending a Justice talk, or many of the other opportunities provided by Campus Ministries. We challenge students to explore various types of Spiritual Formation activities to develop an experience that is meaningful to them.

Because of the University’s commitment to commission servants of Christ into the world, students are provided with innumerable ways to serve the community and the world. Students are challenged to join a CoSMO (Community Service Ministry Opportunity) group, overseen by FaithWorks Local, an extension of the Campus Ministries Office. CoSMO groups serve various populations in Mount Vernon and surrounding communities including but not limited to the elderly population, adults with developmental disabilities, and local elementary schools. In addition to local service opportunities, FaithWorks Global organizes several Service-Learning trips each year, both domestic and abroad. Locations include places like Los Angeles, CA, Guyana, Belize, Poland, Nashville, and more.

Freshman students, as well as any student enrolled in college as a traditional student for the first time, are automatically placed into Belong Groups, led by an upperclassman. These groups meet weekly to share testimonies, read Scripture, and pray for one another. While participation is optional, regular Belong Group participation provides an excellent opportunity to grow in Christ and to develop significant relationships.

Students are also encouraged to participate in the Justice Project program, a facet of Campus Ministries. The Justice Project seeks to educate, engage, and practice justice both on campus and around the world. It is centered on Christ and the Scriptural command to care for the least of these. We fulfill this command through service projects, Justice Talks, and immersion events that orient students to the work of justice in the world. Talks actively seek ways to foster ongoing, sustained, and respectful conversations around issues of justice between all members of the campus community. Justice immersion events are overnight events that take students to areas where students can observe and participate in the work of justice.

All students are required to obtain a certain number of Spiritual Formation Credits, the quantity of which is determined by the number of a student’s academic credits. Accommodations of credit requirements are possible in specific circumstances. In addition to on-campus Spiritual Formation activities, we encourage students to participate in the life of a local church.