College Level Examination Program - CLEP

Applicants with exceptional academic preparation may establish academic credit and advanced standing by proficiency examinations. The acceptable proficiency examinations include the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Advanced Placement (AP) examinations, and University-developed proficiency examinations. CLEP examinations may also be used to establish academic credit and advanced standing by students transferring from non-accredited colleges or institutions.

The CLEP program provides general and subject matter examinations in its computer-based testing program. Students are permitted to complete the subject examinations to meet general education, major, and minor requirements when there is a course that corresponds appropriately. The subject examinations provide a more specific course equivalency than do the general tests. For CLEP examinations completed after January 31, 2018, the chart below describes the required score, course equivalencies, and semester hours awarded.

Students pay the standard fee to the sponsoring agency to sit for CLEP examinations.

CLEP examinations are subject to the following limitations:

  • For traditional undergraduate students, the University recommends that the CLEP examinations be taken by May of the senior year of high school so that scores will be available for summer orientation and course registration. For non-traditional students, ask the registrar’s office for deadlines.
  • A maximum of 30 semester hours can be earned by examination. This total includes any combination of CLEP, AP, University-developed proficiency examinations, or any other exams.
  • CLEP general exams (i.e., non-subject specific) will be given and credits awarded to students who take the tests during their first full year of study at MVNU. They are not available to continuing students.
  • CLEP credits may be used to fulfill specific courses required in the major or minor when prior written approval is given by the department chair to the registrar.
  • Credits can be used to fulfill elective hours in a major or minor provided the subject of the examination is appropriate to the major or minor.
  • CLEP examinations cannot be used to fulfill science laboratory requirements.
  • CLEP examinations cannot be used to fulfill requirements for financial aid or other residency requirements.
  • The student must declare the number of credits to be accepted at the original posting of credit.