Confirmation/Financial Arrangements

Prior to enrolling, students must complete the Student Financial Agreement through the student portal.

Students must be confirmed with financial arrangements each semester. The steps to be completed by students include:

  • Clearing all holds and paying all fines
  • Reviewing the student account
  • Selecting a payment plan
  • Making payment according to the plan selected/fulfilling the conditions of the plan

Students must have financial aid paperwork fully completed and submitted to the Student Financial Services Office (SFS) to receive an award prior to being confirmed. Once all steps have been completed, the SFS staff will report the student as confirmed. Only those who are confirmed may attend classes and move into campus housing.

Deadlines for confirmation and finalization of financial arrangements are:

  • August 14, 2024 for fall semester
  • December 4, 2024 for spring semester.

Students (other than those receiving Chapter 31 or Chapter 33 Veteran Affairs benefits) who have not completed the confirmation process by the above deadlines are assessed a $50 late confirmation fee.

Should a student have special circumstances or paperwork still in process and be unable to:

  1. meet the requirements for confirmation or
  2. complete financial arrangements

before the start of a semester or term, permission to move into the residence hall and/or attend classes must be obtained from the Student Financial Services Office while the situation is being resolved.

Students who have not completed confirmation by the tenth business day of the semester will be disenrolled from the University.

Students with outstanding balances by the confirmation date for the any given semester will not be allowed to enroll for that semester.