Academic Policy Decision Appeals

A student who wishes to appeal an academic policy decision must abide by the procedures that follow. Legal counsel or representation is not permitted.

Informal Resolution

  • When a student has a question about an academic policy decision, they must first contact the person who made the decision for an explanation of the policy and how it was followed. This contact must be made within 10 business days of the decision. If the policy has been followed, the student has no further recourse.
  • If the policy was not followed or the student disputes the way in which the policy was applied, they may request that the matter be reviewed by the department chair. This request must be made within 10 business days of the aforementioned meeting. The chair will notify the student of their decision in writing (e-mail is sufficient) within 10 business days.

Formal Resolution (continuation of above)

  • If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the department chair, they may request that the matter be reviewed by the school dean. To accomplish this, the student must file the Appeal form (available at with the dean within 10 business days of the decision. The dean reserves the right to question any individual and/or obtain additional information from any other source. If the student files the request outside the 10-day period, they forfeit any further right to appeal. The dean’s review is limited to whether the policy was applied properly. The dean will either uphold the appeal or deny the appeal. The dean will notify the student of the decision in writing within 10 business days of receipt of the appeal.
  • If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the school dean, they may request that the matter be reviewed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA). To accomplish this, the student must inform the dean (in person or via e-mail) within 10 business days of the dean’s decision. If the student files the request outside this period, they forfeit any further right to appeal. The dean will send the appeal file to the VPAA; thus, the student may not include additional information with the appeal to the VPAA. The VPAA’s review is limited to whether the policy was applied properly. The VPAA will either uphold the appeal or deny the appeal. The VPAA will notify the student of the decision in writing within 10 business days. The decision is final and cannot be appealed.