Withdrawals in Traditional Program

Withdrawal from a Course

When a student chooses to withdraw from an individual course at the University after the first day of the semester, the process must be initiated by the student by completing a Class Schedule Change Form (https://forms.mvnu.edu/Schedule_Change).

  • A student may drop a course without a grade of W until the close of the 10th weekday of the semester.
  • Students withdrawing from a course between the 11th weekday of a semester and the last day to withdraw as designated on the University calendar will receive a grade of W.
  • A grade of W will be assigned to a course when a student withdraws from a course due to an extenuating circumstance after the designated last date to withdraw. This action requires approval of the Office of Academic Affairs. Failing a course is not considered an extenuating circumstance.
  • Students who cease attending a course after the designated last day to withdraw from a course and up to the final three calendar weeks of the semester, without approved extenuating circumstances, will be assigned the failing grade of X in that course for the semester.
  • Students who cease attending a course without expressed permission from the Office of Academic Affairs in the last three calendar weeks will receive the grade earned in the course.
  • The official withdrawal date from a course is the last date of attendance in that course. The last date of class attendance must be verified by the course instructor before the course can be removed from the student’s schedule.

The Class Schedule Change Form must be completed for any registration change that occurs after the beginning of a semester. The registrar's office will announce any change in procedure via email. The tuition refund policy for changes in enrollment is in effect. Students may drop or add courses prior to the beginning of a semester without a Class Schedule Change Form by contacting their academic advisor or the registrar’s office. Students should seek approval of the advisor prior to any registration changes. 

Withdrawal from Summer Terms

When a student chooses to withdraw from a course at the University after the first day of classes during a summer term, the process must be initiated by contacting the registrar through email to both mel.severns@mvnu.edu and registrar@mvnu.edu. The date and timestamp of the email will determine the following actions.

  • A student may drop a summer course without penalty and receive a full tuition refund (minus any credit card processing fees) through the seventh day of the session.
  • Students withdrawing from a summer term course between the seventh calendar day and the last day to withdraw as designated on the University calendar will receive a grade of W.
  • Students who cease attending a course after the last day to withdraw without approved extenuating circumstances will be assigned a failing grade of X in that course for the term. Otherwise, a W grade will be assigned for extenuating circumstances approved by the Office of Academic Affairs.
  • A student who ceases attending a course without expressed permission from the Office of Academic Affairs in the last two calendar weeks of the applicable summer term will receive the grade earned in each course.
  • The official withdrawal date from a course is the last date of attendance in that course. The last date of class attendance must be verified by the course instructor before the course can be removed from the student's schedule.

Withdrawal from Acadeum Courses

All add, drop, withdrawal, and other administrative deadlines for courses taken through the Acadeum consortium will be dictated by the host institution. If an MVNU student withdraws from an Acadeum course after the host institution's deadline to withdraw, the student will receive the grade that the host institution assigns.

Withdrawal from the University

When a student chooses to withdraw from all courses at the University, the withdrawal process must be initiated with the Center for Student Success (CSS - student.success@mvnu.edu).

  • During the fall and spring semesters, the student must first meet with a representative from the CSS to discuss the implications of withdrawal. The withdrawal form will be generated electronically, and notification will be sent to the appropriate campus offices.
  • The registrar's office will notify instructors of the date of withdrawal and verify the last date attended for each class. The withdrawal refund policy applies,  and courses scheduled in any subsequent semesters or terms will be dropped from the student’s registration record.
  • Grade implications when a student withdraws from the University:
    • A grade of W is assigned to all courses when the student withdraws from the University after the 10th weekday of a semester (i.e., after last day to drop a course without a W grade) but prior to the last day to withdraw from a class as designated on the University calendar.
    • If there are extenuating circumstances approved by the Office of Academic Affairs, a grade of W is assigned to courses when the student withdraws after the last day to withdraw from a course as designated on the University calendar. Failing courses is not considered an extenuating circumstance.
    • Students who withdraw or stop attending the University without approved extenuating circumstances after the designated last day to withdraw from courses and up to the final three weeks calendar weeks of the semester will be assigned the failing grade of X in each course for the semester.
    • Students who leave the University without expressed permission from the Office of Academic Affairs in the last three weeks of the semester will receive the grade earned in each course.
  • Students who withdraw from the University during a regular semester must apply and be accepted for readmission to the University prior to any subsequent semester they wish to attend.
  • Students who decide during the summer not to return to the University should contact the Center for Student Success to discuss the implications and initiate the process.
  • The official withdrawal date from the University is the last date a course was attended. 

Readmission guidelines can be found in the Admission section of this Catalog.