Academic Standing

Academic standing is determined after final grades are submitted at the end of the fall and spring semesters. In some instances, academic standing may be reviewed for work completed between traditional fall and spring terms.

To graduate from MVNU, students are required to have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00. Some programs require a higher minimum cumulative GPA.

Students are expected to be in Good Academic Standing, which is defined as maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00. MVNU allows for gradual attainment of this GPA during the first three semesters of attendance, as specified in the table below.

Semester of Attendance at the University Minimum Cumulative GPA Required
1 1.70
2 1.80
3 1.90
4 and beyond 2.00

In addition to being in Good Academic Standing, students must make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), which is defined as a minimum semester 2.00 GPA.

Good Academic Standing and SAP occur when a student satisfies both of these conditions:

  • the cumulative GPA meets the required minimum, as specified in the above table; and
  • the semester GPA is at least 2.00.

Students who do not make SAP are subject to one of the following:

  • Academic Warning
  • Academic Probation
  • Academic Dismissal

Academic Warning occurs when the semester GPA is below 2.00, but not low enough to warrant a move to academic probation or dismissal status. Students on Academic Warning maintain Good Academic Standing.

Academic Probation occurs in any of the following situations:

  • The cumulative GPA is below the required minimum, as specified in the above table.
  • A first-semester student's semester GPA is at least 1.00 but less than 1.70.
  • The student's semester GPA is less than 2.00 in two consecutive semesters.
  • The student was in good standing and enrolled in less than eight (8) credit hours previous to the final date to withdraw without a permanent W, and the student's semester GPA is below a 1.00.
  • The student was placed on Academic Dismissal, appealed, and was re-admitted.
  • The student left MVNU on Academic Probation and re-enrolled at MVNU.
  • The student left MVNU on Academic Dismissal and re-enrolled at MVNU.

Students on Academic Probation and students who have not met the minimum GPA in their declared major may petition to transfer in the credit and grade point by receiving prior written approval by the school dean responsible for the corresponding major. MVNU reserves the right to remove the grade points if the student changes the desired major. No retroactive grade points will be allowed.

A student will be removed from Academic Probation and restored to Good Academic Standing when the semester and cumulative GPA meet the required minimums.

Academic Dismissal occurs in any of the following situations:

  • The student's semester GPA is below 1.00 in any semester.
    •  Exception: If the student began the semester in good standing, was enrolled in less than eight (8) credit hours prior to the final date to withdraw without a permanent W, and the student's semester GPA is below a 1.00, they will be placed on Academic Probation.
  • The student's semester GPA is below 2.00 in three consecutive semesters.
  • The student was on Academic Probation and did not show SAP.

Initial dismissals are for one full semester (excluding summer terms). Subsequent dismissals are for one full academic year. Dismissals may be appealed. Information about the appeal process is included with the dismissal letter. If an appeal is accepted, the student's academic status for the next term of attendance will be probation.

After the dismissal period is served and the requirements listed in the student's letter are fulfilled, the student may apply for reinstatement. Reinstatement requires the student to complete 12 credits with a GPA of 2.0 or higher from a regionally accredited institution to demonstrate evidence of readiness for continued academic success at MVNU. Students need preapproval from the MVNU Registrar's Office for credit taken during the dismissal period to ensure the courses will help the student progress in their MVNU degree. Students must contact Academic Affairs at if there are questions about this policy or a request to appeal it. While successful completion of academic work at another institution is required, it does not guarantee readmission to MVNU. Students wishing to apply for readmission must do so by following the procedures set forth by the MVNU Admissions Office. 

Note: A student who was placed on Academic Dismissal, appealed, and was re-admitted must remain on Academic Probation for one full semester (excluding summer terms) after re-admittance. The student may return to Good Academic Standing after making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and meeting the minimum GPA requirements based on the number of terms attended, as shown in the chart above.

First-time transfer students are subject to the following policies:

  • Transfer students who are accepted to MVNU in Good Academic Standing are evaluated in accordance with the aforementioned Good Academic Standing and SAP requirements.
  • Transfer students who are accepted to MVNU on Academic Probation will be evaluated at the end of their first semester as follows:
  1. If the semester GPA is at least 2.00, the student will be removed from Academic Probation status and be in Good Academic Standing.
  2. If the semester GPA is at least 1.70 but less than 2.00, the student will continue on Academic Probation for the next semester.
  3. If the semester GPA is less than 1.70, the student will be placed on Academic Dismissal status.

Academic Ineligibility

Students on academic probation or academic dismissal are ineligible:

  • to participate in intercollegiate athletic practice or competition;
  • to participate in Church Relations Music and Ministry groups;
  • to participate in selected activities that officially represent the University to the public, as determined by Academic Affairs;
  • to run for or hold any appointed or elected office within the Student Government Association or other University clubs or organizations.

Students under certain discipline contracts administered by the Student Life may also be ineligible to participate in the above listed activities.

A list of candidates for leadership positions in all student organizations must be submitted to the registrar for an eligibility check one week prior to publishing or printing a ballot. A list of students under consideration for groups that officially represent the University must be presented to the registrar’s office for an eligibility check prior to selection or payment of required deposits for group participation. Students receiving academic probation or dismissal during a semester of service must relinquish student leadership or Church Relations Music and Ministry group positions immediately upon notification of their status. The continued involvement of students chosen for activities officially representing the University, who receive notification of academic probation after paying required deposits, but prior to actual participation, will be judged on a case-by-case basis by the Academic Affairs; those receiving academic dismissal will become ineligible for participation. Students who have been dismissed, appealed, and accepted for re-admittance must serve one traditional fall or spring term on academic probation, and make satisfactory academic progress before becoming eligible for participation.