
MVNU endeavors to communicate clearly its positive expectations about the principle of academic integrity, to educate its members, and to handle academic integrity violations in a fair and consistent manner.

  1. The penalty for any first offense shall be a zero on that particular assignment. No makeup examination or extra credit project will be permitted. If a faculty member uses a lowest-grade-dropped policy, the zero may not count as the lowest grade to be dropped.
  2. The penalty for any second offense shall be failure of the applicable course with an assigned grade of X.
  3. The penalty for any third offense shall be failure of the applicable course with an assigned grade of X and immediate dismissal from MVNU. All other courses in the given term of attendance shall have the W grade administered.
  4. More severe penalties may be levied (a) when the integrity offense is an organized group action, (b) when criminal actions result (e.g., unauthorized use of a master key or breaking and entering), or (c) when the action involves more than one course. MVNU reserves the right to prosecute alleged criminal offenses as well as involve its Human Resources and/or Student Life personnel in the investigation and discipline. In egregious cases, the action may be initiated by Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, or the VPAA's designee.
  5. The rights of students, as outlined in the Student Handbook, will be upheld, except that the procedures in this section shall apply in academic integrity matters.
  6. In cases of dismissal, the "Academic Dismissal for <insert applicable term>" designation shall be entered on the student’s transcript.
  7. Schools and/or faculty may stipulate more stringent policies in the school policy and/or syllabi. The academic integrity decision (including any appeals) will be made on the basis of the more stringent policy.
  8. In the case of dismissal, the dismissal will be no less than one full semester. A student may petition for readmission after the dismissal period. If re-admission is granted, the enrollment status for the first semester shall be academic probation. If no further incidences occur during the probationary semester, then the status will be changed to "good standing" at the beginning of the next semester, provided other academic standards for GPA are also met.
  9. The Associate Vice President for Academic Administration is responsible for maintaining all records of academic integrity decisions.
  10. The maximum penalty that a school dean or faculty member can determine is failure for the course. Dismissal from the University is a decision that can be made only by the Academic Affairs Office.